Procreation is an act of great spiritual responsibility by which human souls sojourn to mother earth. Couples should avoid unplanned pregnancy...
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- Hits: 3018
Chapter 20: SEXUAL KILLING - Eating the Seed of Life
Every man should regulate the emission of semen according to his store of vital essence. He should never force himself to ejaculate...
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- Hits: 3374
Chapter 19: SEXUAL HEALING - The Best Medicine
The efficacy of therapeutic love-making rests on the knowledge that some movements and positions re-direct energy flows within the body...
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- Hits: 2721
Chapter 18: SEX CYCLE - Benevolent Secret
Just like most activities in Nature, there is a most opportune time for sexual communion. At peak passion, usually full moon, sexual libido is...
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- Hits: 2954
Chapter 17: BALANCE - Nature's Way
Balance is Nature’s way. Wise couples nurture their relationships by keeping a healthy Balance between giving and receiving sexual pleasure and satisfaction.
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- Hits: 2941
Chapter 16: OLD AGE - Eon of Conservation
Old age is the age of wisdom and Conservation. At age sixty and beyond, a man must conserve his creative essence and deploy it to...
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- Hits: 3760
Chapter 15: TRANSMUTATION - The Liberator
For Man and his Thoughts, Mind is the crucible in which the alchemy of energy Transmutation takes place. Adepts can project mental energy to yield...