As the 'tree of life and death', the sex organs are the repository of man’s utmost Creative Energy – the power to bring forth new life...
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- Hits: 5333
To Enjoy a Roller Coaster Relationship, Just Give Her Sexual Satisfaction!
Making sure your partner is happy and satisfied in the 'other room', will dissolve most other marital and relationship issues. Learn how to...
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- Hits: 2711
Male Infertility? Nourish Your System with Natural Formulations
Just as proper diet and exercise can improve your cardiovascular system, the male reproductive system can also benefit from...
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- Hits: 1988
Female Libido Enhancement? What is Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander!
When it comes to sexual pleasure, women are often at a disadvantage; as focus is more on men. But that has changed. Solutions to boost...
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- Hits: 10539
Responsibilities of The Sacred Man, Husband and Father
Man is Wisdom; Woman is Love. When man and woman come together in Love and Wisdom, there is Understanding, Peace and...
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- Hits: 3619
Chapter 15: TRANSMUTATION - The Liberator
For Man and his Thoughts, Mind is the crucible in which the alchemy of energy Transmutation takes place. Adepts can project mental energy to yield...