Sex is a mighty urge to action! Learn to express your Sexual Desire in a balanced and dignified way that enriches and uplifts...
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Desire for sexual contact is Creative Energy seeking expression or outlet.
That same creative potency projecting as tumultuous sex drive can become Intellectual energy, Business energy, Political energy, Professional energy, Sports energy, Spiritual energy, or whatever energy you need.
Indeed, the creative power of sex goes beyond Procreation. Unfortunately, many men being unaware unknowingly dissipate, and fail to avail themselves of the innate creative potency of their abundant sex drive; and this is one primary cause of mediocrity.
Sex, the carnal root of Man’s generation, can be the source of his degeneration, yet holds the key to his regeneration. When properly harnessed, the primordial powers of sex and its creative essences that initiate all earthly existence can be used to achieve anything you want. This book tells you exactly how!
Creative Energy: The Genesis
Sex Motive: The Activator
Sexual Desire: Pro-creative Trigger
Harmonization: Water versus Fire
Sexual Intercourse: A Mutual Union
Mutual Exchange: The Equalizer
Spiritual Communion: Two Are One
Semen: Most precious Possession
Suppression: A Losing Battle
Abstinence: Stokes The Fire
Continence: The Accumulator
Conservation: The Preserver
The Sex Organs: Tree of Life and Death
Energy Centres : Cups of Plenty
Transmutation: The Liberator
Old Age: Eon of Conservation
Balance: Nature’s Way
Sex Cycle: Benevolent Secret
Sexual Healing: The Best Medicine
Sexual Killing: Eating the Seed of Life
Procreation: Highest Creative Power
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