Sex Transmutation - the secret path...
Sexual Energy Transmutation - the secret path to Health, Wealth and Genius. Arcane ancient Wisdom...
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Sexual Desire is Creativity seeking outlet or expression... as new Babies or new IDEAS... and the choice of how to exploit, deploy, utilize, manifest, express or release this Creativity is absolutely yours! Choices have consequences.
Sex Transmutation is the channelling of this Creativity away from purely physical sexual contact and release, and unto other desirable superior accomplishments. It is the art of harnessing and focusing this potent and heightened state of MIND activated by the desire for sex, upon other superior aspirations.
Ever noticed that when you are sexually excited (especially about a new sex-mate), you more easily begin to exhibit superior mental qualities such as imagination, keen observation, courage, alertness, will power, persistence, creative ability, etc., just to get what you want? These are the exact same attributes required to achieve any other aspirations you focus upon.
From IDEAtion to CREATion, Desire is the ACTIVator. Wherever Thought goes, Energy flows! Because by the Law of Mental Equivalent, an intense desire activates mental activity towards its actualization.
Indeed, the creative potency of Sex is not just for making babies, but for other superior accomplishments as well. Unfortunately, many men being unaware unknowing dissipate and thus fail to avail themselves of the innate superlative powers of their abundant sex drive; and this is one primary cause of mediocrity.
Fortunate indeed is the man with a healthy sex drive, who has also learned the art of sex transmutation. For, in the source of this Vital Power also lie the source of superior exploits.
Sexual Desire is a mighty urge to action; but its forces need control and direction. And you can transmute that riotous urge for physical sexual contact into an intense surge of Intellectual, Business, Political, Professional, Sports, Spiritual, or whatever energy you want. Transmutation is the key, and this Book tells you how!
When properly harnessed, the primordial driving force of Sex and its creative essence that initiate all earthly existence, can be used to achieve anything you want. This Book tells you how!
"Sex energy is the Creative Energy of all geniuses. There never has been, and never will be a great leader, builder, or artist lacking in this driving force of sex...
"The men of greatest achievement are men with highly developed sex natures, men who have learned the art of Sex Transmutation...
"So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches..."
Napoleon Hill – THINK and Grow RICH
This Book tells you how!
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I know these truths.
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"I know what the author says to be true. I needed a reminder. To any man or woman seeking their Higher Power, read this Book".
"…The truth is, I am about to be 41 and I have practiced the opposite of what this book preaches up to this point in my life, regretfully so, to my own detriment. I literally cry for the decades I've wasted. I wish I knew this stuff 20 or 30 years ago...."
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"A Must Read! …I love this book. It got a few of my questions and mysteries answered. Thank you so much, Jay. Namaste!"
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