One should not eject this camphor casually. It is from this substance that the Yoginis have their origin. Its nature is that of Supreme Joy...
Sex Transmutation BOOK
- Hits: 2814
Chapter 09: SUPPRESSION - A Losing Battle
Rather than suppress it, Sexual Desire should be blissfully satiated in a harmonious and dignified way, such that frequent depletion is minimized.
- Hits: 2395
Chapter 10: ABSTINENCE - Stokes The Fire
Great spiritual Masters 'went apart awhile', before embarking on great spiritual missions that left indelible marks on Humanity...
- Hits: 2711
Chapter 11: CONTINENCE - The Accumulator
If a man knows how to make love without emitting semen, then his vital essence will return within. This is the secret of life, which greatly...
- Hits: 4516
Chapter 12: CONSERVATION - The Preserver
For the neophyte in sexual secrets, the aim of every sexual contact is to experience a rapturous orgasm, and the wonderful sensations it brings...
- Hits: 5878
Chapter 13: THE SEX ORGANS - Tree of Life and Death
As the 'tree of life and death', the sex organs are the repository of man’s utmost Creative Energy – the power to bring forth new life...
- Chapter 14: ENERGY CENTRES - Cups of Plenty
- Chapter 15: TRANSMUTATION - The Liberator
- Chapter 16: OLD AGE - Eon of Conservation
- Chapter 17: BALANCE - Nature's Way
- Chapter 18: SEX CYCLE - Benevolent Secret
- Chapter 19: SEXUAL HEALING - The Best Medicine
- Chapter 20: SEXUAL KILLING - Eating the Seed of Life
- Chapter 21: PROCREATION - Highest Creative Power
- Chapter 22: LAST LINES
- Sexual Energy Transmutation Book
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