Great spiritual Masters 'went apart awhile', before embarking on great spiritual missions that left indelible marks on Humanity...
Abstinence or sexual fast is the voidance of sexual intercourse for a short while. Controlled abstinence from sex is a potent routine that is quite beneficial to the whole body system –physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
For optimum benefit and effectiveness, periodic fasting should not be about food and water alone, it must be a holistic programme that includes fasting from sex, keeping the body temple holy and purging oneself of negative emotions, thoughts, words and actions, not just during the period only, but even after.
If a man knows how to make love without emitting semen, then his vital essence will return within. This is the secret of life, which greatly benefits the system.
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"Sex, the carnal root of Man’s generation, can be the source of his degeneration, yet holds the key to his regeneration. When properly harnessed, the primordial powers of sex and its creative essences that initiate all earthly existence can be used to achieve anything you want. In the source of this vital power lie also the sources of Wealth, Health and Genius."
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