Sex Transmutation - the secret path... FREE DOWNLOAD
Sex Transmutation BOOK
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Table of Contents
Sex is a mighty urge to action! Learn to express your Sexual Desire in a balanced and dignified way that enriches and uplifts...
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The Book: Introduction
When properly harnessed, the primordial powers of sex and its creative essence that initiate all earthly existence can be used to achieve anything you want.
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Chapter 01: CREATIVE ENERGY - The Genesis
Quantum physics reveals that everything is Energy differing only in rate of vibration. Everything vibrates at its own specific rate...
- Hits: 2252
Chapter 02: SEX MOTIVE - The Activator
So strong and compelling is the drive for sex that men risk their prestige and reputation just to have it.
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Chapter 03: SEXUAL DESIRE - Pro-creative Trigger
Sexual Desire is natural. Do not suppress it. Express it in ways that enrich the body, mind and spirit.
- Chapter 04: HARMONIZATION - Water versus Fire
- Chapter 05: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE - A Mutual Union
- Chapter 06: MUTUAL EXCHANGE - The Equalizer
- Chapter 07: SPIRITUAL COMMUNION - Two Are One
- Chapter 08: SEMEN - Most Precious Possession
- Chapter 09: SUPPRESSION - A Losing Battle
- Chapter 10: ABSTINENCE - Stokes The Fire
- Chapter 11: CONTINENCE - The Accumulator
- Chapter 12: CONSERVATION - The Preserver
- Chapter 13: THE SEX ORGANS - Tree of Life and Death
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