To me, sex isn't a good tumble on the bed. It's the feeling that my husband is the centre of existence. He's the man I have in my...
Men today have become obsessed with giving a woman sexual pleasure, which they measure only by the number of orgasms she has during a 'session'. He forgets that a woman does, of course, respond to a good performance in bed and if the man is skilful and his partner has no sexual hang-up she’s bound to have her climax eventually. But after it’s all over, she may look at him as a total man and think, 'Ugh'.
To me, sex isn't a good tumble on the bed. It's the feeling that my husband is the centre of existence. He's the man I have in my mind when I buy my clothes and wonder, will I appeal to him in my new dress? And I love him more when he notices I've changed my hair or when he says he doesn't enjoy seeing a film without me, when he tells me he has an erection for me.
Sex is in little private jokes and secret smiles across the table at breakfast, in telling me I’m the prettiest girl at the party and showing me he meant it by not flirting in my company. Sex is preparing a special meal together and exchanging innermost thoughts over a bottle of wine, in the gentle kiss at the back of the neck and holding hands watching television. Sex expressed in bed, in passion, in the warmest, closest caresses and affirmation of love for each other. All love is sex and sex is also, sometimes, orgasm; but for a woman in love it is merely a bonus. ---Mrs. R. L.
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