Making sure your partner is happy and satisfied in the 'other room', will dissolve most other marital and relationship issues. Learn how to...
As the Man in the house, you probably already know that pleasing and making your wife happy and satisfied in the other room is the master stroke that dissolves most other marital and relationship issues. Mutual sexual satisfaction in marriage, and more importantly sexual fulfilment for Her, creates stronger affinity between couples.
Sexual satisfaction is a sure recipe for happy relationships. And that's probably because most relationship issues can be more openly and easily discussed and trashed when there is affectionate positive communication between couples; and again that's because couples are more likely to express themselves lovingly and genuinely when the woman's sexual life is blissful, balanced and ecstatic.
How may I know that my woman is sexually happy with me? Well, unlike men, women are not very good at hiding their feelings, especially when it concerns the one they love! She will hardly out-rightly tell you that you were a 'He-Man' in the other room last night, but you can sure observe a few giveaways:
Firstly, she looks absolutely calm, relaxed and gorgeous because the peace and joy she feels within her also shines through to the surface, making her face glow with feminine grace and beauty. She is obviously happy with herself and with you.
Secondly you'll notice that her nagging (if any) is now replaced with a beautiful smile that refuses to go away from her face. You will also notice that she is almost always joyfully singing love and romantic songs, and most likely some of your favourites!
Thirdly, you'll notice that she is ever ready to pander to your needs. Giving you personal attention and care; serving you tea or coffee in bed; preparing your favourite dishes; and even dressing in ways that expose or accentuate her feminine curves in a bid to make you not just to notice her, but to desire her as well.
If you already have all the above going for you, then congratulations; you are certainly giving your woman unforgettable sexual experiences. You are truly an 'alpha-man' who makes his wife to always look forward to robust and satisfying action in the other room.
On the other hand, maybe for one reason or another you're not able to give your woman the gift of sexual happiness and satisfaction. If so, no big deal, because there are things you can do to change the situation for better.
Firstly, you must accept the fact that it is your responsibility to see that your woman is sexually satisfied and happy. Otherwise, she may be tempted to look elsewhere. If you are not the alpha-man you desire to be, then you probably already know what the problem is with you, and what help or remedy you need.
Secondly, the male sexual health issues that mostly affect couple's sexual enjoyment and satisfaction are Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation and Penis Size. You can always seek solutions from close acquaintances or search online for appropriate remedies suitable to your peculiar situation:
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the inability to sprout or sustain an erection. But with so many possible ways and remedies now available to take care of ED, there is really no reason for you not to do something about it.
Premature Ejaculation is a situation where the man quickly reaches climax and ejaculates too early; and possibly just when the woman is about to blaze into glory! What a disappointment for both partners! Appropriate solutions must be sought.
Does Size Matter? Most women say yes. Most men say yes. Size definitely matters. Do not be ashamed of wanting a bigger machine gun when it is so easy to acquire one - and discretely too. Remember, your job as a man is to make sure she doesn't need another man!
Your third option is to seek more knowledge of tantra and sacred sex, and use that to improve your sexual performance and enjoyment. Or you can search and explore suitable sexual aids, sex toys and other essential stuff for couples, which can help you engage her in extended foreplay and female stimulation. That way you can reduce or even eliminate the pressure and anxiety you feel about satisfying her.
Let me know if she serves you coffee in bed tomorrow morning!