Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it … a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame...
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it" ...Proverbs 22:6
Children are gifts from God. As divine beings, children are sacred and should be brought up to know their true nature. Childhood is a special period in life when the foundation for adulthood is laid. It is during this period that children begin to appreciate the beauty and meaning of life.
Because childhood creates deep indelible mark upon the mind of a child, parents and guardians must give their very best towards ensuring that children enjoy and make the best of their childhood.
Character, habit, mental and emotional stability, problem solving ability, sense of service, sexuality and spirituality begin to develop during this childhood.
Childhood is therefore a critical epoch in the life of any child, which parents and guardians must superintend with firmness, fairness, love and affection from.
Different cultures and peoples may have different ways of raising their future generations, but as Sacred Couples, you have a duty and responsibility to raise sacred children grounded on strong moral and spiritual foundations.
This becomes possible and easy when such parents themselves are morally upright and spiritually evolved. For even without being taught, a child will pick up your morality and spirituality just as easily as they pick up your language and mannerism.
Children have sensitive and impressionable minds. They copy and learn easily. Children see parents as role-models, and will therefore copy whatever they see parents do, and whatever they hear their parents say.
Parents are therefore the child’s foremost teacher; and the easiest way to effectively achieve this is through exemplary living. Teach your child Morals, Values, Ideals, Ethics, Courage, etc. Whatever character or personality you want to see in your child, simply live it.
Children get excited and eager to learn when a family gets together in pleasurable activities such as eating, worship, Bible studies, praying, story-telling, singing, games, etc. Unfortunately, present-day economic realities make it difficult for many parents to spend quality time with their children or wards. The result is that children hardly learn from their best teachers – the parents; and parents hardly teach their best students – the children.
“…but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."
Proverbs 28:15.
The great challenge for today’s generation is:
Learning good manners without ever seeing any;
Learning courtesy without ever seeing any;
Learning respect without ever seeing any;
Learning empathy without ever seeing any;
Learning patriotism without ever seeing any;
And so on…
The great challenge for parents today is how to invest quality time on child upbringing. The great challenge today is how parents can adequately fulfil their sacred obligations to our future generations. The great challenge is how to avoid a failed parenthood, a failed childhood, and a failed generation. Our children are our future!