Before I got involved in this kind of work, I thought that women who slept with men for money were the lowest of the low. The truth is...
My husband's salary as a civil servant is totally inadequate to sustain our marriage on a decent and humane level, but he is not fully aware of this fact because I handle all the finances in our family.
The above is a brief and simple explanation that on one and sometimes more afternoons per week, while my husband is at work and my children are in school, I sleep with men for money. My husband is not aware of this fact and neither should he be. Since I pay all the bills he has no idea what I spend.
I was introduced to the life of a part-time call girl by my girlfriend who is also married. The men whom I meet are usually businessmen or tourists who are obviously wealthy. Despite my work as a 'prostitute', I truly love my husband and would not do what I am doing if I didn't love him.
With the extra income I earn, we are able to live comfortably, and I don't have to save money from my food bill (as so many housewives do) in other to buy shoes and clothes for our children.
Before I got involved in this kind of work, I, like most other people thought that women who slept with men for money were the lowest of the low. The truth is, many of the part-time call girls are decent, honest human beings, and most of them are married. They provide a needed service, and I feel it is an honest 'profession' which is more than I can say for some men who are in the so-called honorable professions.
I've never had a client who was dissatisfied, and who felt he didn't get his money's worth. How many professionals or businessmen can truly make that statement?
My biggest problem is my conscience. Am I truly hurting my husband (despite the fact that he is unaware of my activities) by continuing to do what I am doing? My conscience has been bothering me for some time now, and I just had to have someone to discuss it with. …Mrs. A. C.
Adapted from the FORUM Archives