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Sex is fascinating, even in childhood. Don't keep your kids wondering how Mommy and Daddy do it!

Sex is a fascinating thing, even in childhood. Sexual feelings are an integral part and experience of growing up. A child's curiosity about Sex is therefore a natural and healthy evolution that should not be shrouded in secrecy, as many parents do. Even then, it is not uncommon for children to overhear or even 'catch' their parents making love.

Such secrecy and 'made-up' stories that shield children from the truth of their sexuality can only cause more problems. Children should instead be gently and lovingly guided into the truth about sex. This will help them grow into positive, healthy, mature and balanced personalities. Lack of child sex education creates more peeping-toms, porn addicts, rapists and other sexual eccentrics.

It is the parents' duty to properly prepare their children for life in the larger society. Children are naturally curious. Sex education should therefore begin at a tender age, long before a child begins to get exposed to negative societal influences, and the internet.

Sex education is an important attribute of a loving and disciplined family. When couples display intimacy, lack of inhibitions about sex and nakedness, they send subtle and sensitive messages to the child. It is more dignifying than being caught making love.

Therefore, while the deeper intimacy of sexual union should be reserved for later years, a child should be gradually introduced to the ordinary mechanics of love making and allowed to enter into the parent's circle of love; instead of being shut out and left to wonder how mommy and daddy do it. 

Use these 5 tips to get you started with child sex education:

  1. Couples can deliberately leave the bedroom door open or ajar while expressing intimacy.
  2. Call upon your child to bring or take something away while you are expressing intimacy.
  3. Take your child into bed with you and allow him or her watch as you share intimacy with your partner.
  4. A mother should feel free and relaxed breast-feeding her baby while her husband makes love to her.
  5. A couple should have no inhibition having their child watch as they share intimate embrace.

When correctly used, such situations create an atmosphere of love and openness that helps to gently and lovingly pull your child into the sacred circle. That way, you are able to naturally and positively initiate your child into sexuality. Your child will love you for it, and be ever grateful for such a loving, reassuring and indelible experience.


© Jay Onwukwe

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