When properly harnessed, the primordial powers of sex and its creative essence that initiate all earthly existence can be used to achieve anything you want.
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- Hits: 2030
Female Libido Enhancement? What is Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander!
When it comes to sexual pleasure, women are often at a disadvantage; as focus is more on men. But that has changed. Solutions to boost...
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- Hits: 2890
Does Penis Size Affect Lifestyle and Sexual Performance?
Men care and worry about size because they know that a small 'machine' has disadvantages, and impacts their performance; plus...
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- Hits: 1639
Can This be a Recipe For a Happy and Enduring Marriage?
I appreciate that some people may require variety in the form of extramarital affairs or spouse swapping, but I could not...
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- Hits: 1856
Procreation - A Sacred Responsibility
"As the singular act through which Man expresses his highest creative essence, sex is much more than conjugal union..."
- Book
- Hits: 3052
Chapter 01: CREATIVE ENERGY - The Genesis
Quantum physics reveals that everything is Energy differing only in rate of vibration. Everything vibrates at its own specific rate...